Monday, November 22, 2010

Home Never Changes

Ah! I am home again for Thanksgiving Break. A whole ten days. It's interesting how my perspective has changed over the past couple of years. I wanted to be out on my own; I still want and enjoy that, but I so look forward to being home. I have such a different life here. My friends are different. I try to be the same person that I have developed into at school because I like that "me" better than what I was before I got into college. Anyway, as my family all grows older, everyone is going about doing their own thing more and more, but one thing has always been the same: CHAOS!!!

I laugh at it because it's nostalgic. I cannot remember a time growing up when things weren't crazy at my house. There were numerous times that my parents had to get together on a Friday night because they had six kids all playing on different athletic teams, in all corners of the state of Colorado, and so they had to plan out rides for all of us the night before so that everybody was covered. God bless them! This weekend, we celebrated both my younger brother, Zach's birthday (18), as well as my younger brother, David (11). I got home Friday night, and it was party central on Saturday evening and then Monday afternoon. The most involvement I had between the two parties was the honor of being the referee for the championship basketball game between my brother and his friend and my sister and her friend. What an honor it was! I have to say though, by 3 o'clock, I was toast. I stepped away from all of the insanely energetic 11-year-olds and took a nap on the couch. Once again, God bless my Mom, she stuck it out for the entire party.

One thing that I am coming to realize, and really having a difficult time with, is what is going to happen after I graduate from college? Will I end up back in Colorado? I want to for a wide array of reasons: my family, my memories are all here, the mountains my favorite place in the entire world (which includes many more memories), I could go on. Having said that, what if there's more out there for me? I want to travel. I want to see other parts of this great world while I'm young. I don't want to wait until I'm an old retired person (no offense, I have great respect for my elders). I love my home in Colorado, and it will always and forever be my one true home; but I don't want to restrict myself to such limited exposure. I want to see what the rest of the world has to offer to Justin Langfield; and what Justin Langfield has to offer to the rest of the world. I only used third person for affect, I'm not really one of those big-headed, narcissitic "bros" who always refers to themselves as if they are talking about a really awesome friend of theirs, whose sheer awesomeness is far beyond being described by such unworthy pronouns as "I."

Beside the point. I really love being home. So it will always be to me. But the world is a big place, and I'm not about to sit around and have my experiences be limited to a 50-mile radius...yet. I want to experience the world as much as I can before I settle down with a wife and kids (God-willing). And if I end up in the same area in which I was raised, fantastic; but if that's not the case, I will follow wherever it is that God wants me to go. He will never ask me to do anything or go anywhere, that He, himself, did not do or go. Also, a good time for a reference to the "Footprints" prayer. If you don't know it, look it up. Good stuff.
Side note: Downloaded a new song to learn on the piano. I've had a ton of time to practice this week and it has been fantastic. Also, schooled some of my 11-year-old brother's friends in a round of billiards. Nothing like a self-esteem boost!!!

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