Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Own Path

I am going to make a phone call tomorrow. This phone call will last less than five minutes. It will determine the next two years of my life.

FOCUS called me on Thursday offering me a position as a missionary. I asked them to give me the weekend for final discernment. I have never been more certain of anything. One year ago, I never would have thought that I would be doing something like this. I figured that I would leave college, get a job and start living life on my own for a while. Well, there's my plans and there's God's plans. He seems to get His way a lot. His way is undoubtedly what is best, so I guess that's alright. It's definitely a leap of faith as I will be fundraising my living salary. It will be a great lesson in dependence on others. I know that I depend on others right now, I certainly will for the next two years, and I cannot see that changing anytime soon in my life. We all need someone.

My roommate just walked in and said, "Seventeen days." Seventeen days until he graduates; a looming destiny for me in a few short months. Life is about to change drastically. All of the people that I have come to know and love over the last four years are going to go their separate ways out into the world. It's no easy time. The world, as it is today, feeds into mundane lifestyles of clocking in and out of a job day in and day out like machines. There are two few opportunities (noticed/taken) to live out loud. I, for one, am determined not to fall into a monotonous life. If there is one thing that I can do each day to serve as a light for another person, a light that gives them hope that there is still pure good and joy, I am more than happy to do it. I will humbly admit that I know that I will miss opportunities due to self-absorption - not that I want that, but everyone has their off days and I am no different. I'm human. But I think that's what it means to have hope. I realize where I am right now, and I am very much simply content with life; however, the hope that I have is that where I am is not the peak of my existence. "Enjoy college. These are the best years of your life!" I certainly hope not! They have been formative, there's not doubt about that. And I will miss the many memories which have come out of my time here, but I am simply turning the pages to a new chapter in which new memories will be made. Joy will continue to be an aspiration and while I will miss my college years, I shall not dwell on them so much that I miss opportunities to form new memories. Life goes to fast to sit around thinking too much about the way that things used to be. John 10:10 "I came that they might have life and have it to the full." That is a gift, and I do not plan to waste it.

So, the next two years, I will be sharing Christ's love on whatever college campus I am placed. That could be anywhere across the country. Hearts will be changed, lives will be formed, the world will be set ablaze.

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