Monday, June 6, 2011

One Amazing Year

Today marks my 52nd post. One full year has gone by since I began blogging. I have taken some time to look back through my posts over the past year. I can't believe how fast time is moving. Furthermore, I cannot believe how much I have grown in a year. I have been blessed with countless incredible memories and life lessons.

From one of my first entries, grocery shopping was a $30 trip in which I brought home 5 items that I thought I could stretch out 2 weeks! Now I realize that I'm still a growing man, and I need at least 3 square meals every day. That is one of the more simple and superficial lessons of the year. As you have read over the last couple of months especially, my faith life has really taken to strong roots and is blossoming like never before. This has been the most important development over the past year. Nothing that I have done could have happened without His grace. I have learned a ton this year and so this next series of, incidents you could say, I believe to sum up what this year has been for me.

I have had the pleasure of a few late-night pow-wows with my mom over the past couple of weeks. In those conversations she has told me that I am, "Wise beyond my years." I don't know how much truth there is to that, but the comment stuck with me for a few days and I formulated what I thought to be a strong quote which encompassed my sentiment: "The limit of my wisdom reaches only as far as the extent of that which has been revealed to me." Now, the third tier of this learning process comes from the book of Proverbs 2:6. "For the Lord GIVES wisdom." Wisdom is a gift. It's interesting trying to figure out why God has taught me the lessons that I have learned over the past year. What am I supposed to do with all of it? What does it all mean? Well, the fact of the matter is this: God has us all on a "need-to-know" basis. Most of the time I would say that the majority of people don't particularly like this system. We're all about security and knowing what's going to come next. That is where faith lies. Faith is a KNOWING, not some long shot hope, it is a knowing that all will be taken care of. That is the greatest thing that has been revealed to me in the past year. Don't get me wrong, I still worry a fair amount - about bills, my family and friends, what I'm going to do after college - but more often than not anymore, my heart is at peace with that knowledge that God will provide everything I need when I need it.

Here's to another great year. I look forward to sharing my "wisdom" over the next 52 weeks. God bless.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shadowing at Rehab Facility Provides More Lessons Than Career Direction

I took a step towards figuring out more about the world of physical therapy (and occupational therapy). I got to shadow my cousin who is an occupational therapist in Denver. It was an inpatient facility so everyone with whom he worked was staying at the hospital because they were incapable of living in their own home safely. This was a brand new experience for me to be up close and personal with people who really couldn't perform basic functions of everyday life. One word - humbling.

Who's to say that I won't wake up tomorrow and not be able to even roll out of bed. Granted, these patients were mostly older, but still. The simplest tasks - tying your shoes, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, taking a poop - I take for granted that I don't need other people to help me do these things.

Anyway, I was told that I should expose myself to both OT and PT so I got my exposure to OT and at this point I'm leaning towards...not OT. I got to follow a PT for a little while, but not enough to get a great idea. I'm planning on shadowing my other cousin who works more with athletes in physical therapy. That's where I think I want to be if that is indeed the direction I want to take. Been in touch with a couple of offices out in Kansas City, trying to get an internship for the fall. Which brings me to another development (well, possibility). I might be buying a car this summer. All my life I've been putting a portion of my summer earnings into savings, never really knowing what it was for. Well, now I've got something on the radar that I could possibly be using it for. I'll throw a picture up if the plan goes through.