I realized when I had finished writing this blog that I had somewhat jumped all over the place...hope it comes together well and makes sense for the reader!
My neighbor has had a rough go over the last week. I had not met him until yesterday when I decided that I would provide some comfort in the form of my mom’s banana bread. It turned out to be a great time because Colleen came over for a few hours and helped me bake it and then we delivered it to, as we found out yesterday, Jared.
Our society is go, go, go all of the time. I know that personally, I get so busy that too often I only think about myself and my own struggles and I forget that other people are hurting too. Everyone is carrying their own cross. A challenge for myself: I would like to stop myself from complaining about all of my “first-world problems” and be more in tune with others. When I am with other people, I want them to feel like I am REALLY there – listening. I have found myself lately falling into making people think that I’m really paying attention by responding with cues like, “Yes, that makes sense” or “I understand” when I had actually just been making really good eye contact and my mind was in a completely different place. I do hate it when that happens. Because I truly do care about other people and what they’re going through – or what joys that have to share with me. And I want to share in both because I know that when people console me in difficult times, it brings me comfort knowing that I am not in it alone; or when they smile and get excited when I tell them great news, it enhances my joy knowing that I can share that with someone else.
Call me an idealist, I do believe that it's possible for people to be reasonable with one another. It's a matter of making decisions based on commitments rather than on feelings and emotions. I paraphrase: "Be diligent in the small things, and you will become faithful in serious matters." For the past few weeks, I have made it a goal of mine not to eat or drink anything after midnight except for water. The aforementioned quote has come to mind multiple times during that time when I have thought to myself in the midst of a late-night craving, "What does it matter if I have a small snack, it's really not that big of a deal." In truth, does it really matter if I have a handful of chips at 12:05am? No, not actually. But the principle of the situation is this: I have made a commitment and I want to train myself to be a man of my word for more important issues.
Now, to tie these two themes together. I know there have been times in my life when I have been upset with people, even and especially with those whom I love the most. If I treated them poorly and deserted them because of one instance of being upset with them then I wouldn't have any friends or family left. Being more present and aware of what others might be going through and simply listening to people is, in my opinion, a pivotal aspect in turning this world around and bringing people together rather than ignoring and separating everyone which leads to misunderstandings and chaos.
Be aware of feelings; do not ignore them because they are there for a reason. But do not allow them to control you, or make decisions for you.
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