Monday, February 27, 2012
Childhood, Revisited
While the crafts were all fun and good, I like just going a little nuts with some physical activity too. It sort of happened as an accident. I was helping one of the girls bring her picture frame to the drying table and when I turned around, she jumped on my back for a piggyback ride. I started walking around the gym. Then she wanted me to go faster. There was an empty stretch on the sidelines so I started running. I might have bit off more than I could chew. That decision initiated a line of 8-year-old girls waiting for their turn. One girl at a time got up for a piggyback ride while the rest of the group raced me down the sideline and back. Eight-year-old kids are heavier than I thought. I got tired quick! Well, I took it up a girl on my back one on the front. I was alright for the run down, but when I turned around, I lost my balance and all three of us collapsed on the floor. No injuries. Laughter from all except for the supervisor. Whoops! Game over. It was fun while it lasted.
I wish that we could all have fun like that all of the time. Reckless abandon. I just want to live life to the fullest. Having fun just seems to become more and more complicated as we get older. When did that happen? I think back to a day when I watched my three younger cousins, entertained by a single balloon for literally two and a half hours. Something so simple. Such pure joy. Now, I think about how easily I get bored. I love the occasions when I get to return to that state of mind, simplifying life back into what it is meant to be, joyous and fun. Oh to be a kid again!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Listening: A Great Gift of Being Present
I realized when I had finished writing this blog that I had somewhat jumped all over the place...hope it comes together well and makes sense for the reader!
My neighbor has had a rough go over the last week. I had not met him until yesterday when I decided that I would provide some comfort in the form of my mom’s banana bread. It turned out to be a great time because Colleen came over for a few hours and helped me bake it and then we delivered it to, as we found out yesterday, Jared.
Our society is go, go, go all of the time. I know that personally, I get so busy that too often I only think about myself and my own struggles and I forget that other people are hurting too. Everyone is carrying their own cross. A challenge for myself: I would like to stop myself from complaining about all of my “first-world problems” and be more in tune with others. When I am with other people, I want them to feel like I am REALLY there – listening. I have found myself lately falling into making people think that I’m really paying attention by responding with cues like, “Yes, that makes sense” or “I understand” when I had actually just been making really good eye contact and my mind was in a completely different place. I do hate it when that happens. Because I truly do care about other people and what they’re going through – or what joys that have to share with me. And I want to share in both because I know that when people console me in difficult times, it brings me comfort knowing that I am not in it alone; or when they smile and get excited when I tell them great news, it enhances my joy knowing that I can share that with someone else.
Call me an idealist, I do believe that it's possible for people to be reasonable with one another. It's a matter of making decisions based on commitments rather than on feelings and emotions. I paraphrase: "Be diligent in the small things, and you will become faithful in serious matters." For the past few weeks, I have made it a goal of mine not to eat or drink anything after midnight except for water. The aforementioned quote has come to mind multiple times during that time when I have thought to myself in the midst of a late-night craving, "What does it matter if I have a small snack, it's really not that big of a deal." In truth, does it really matter if I have a handful of chips at 12:05am? No, not actually. But the principle of the situation is this: I have made a commitment and I want to train myself to be a man of my word for more important issues.
Now, to tie these two themes together. I know there have been times in my life when I have been upset with people, even and especially with those whom I love the most. If I treated them poorly and deserted them because of one instance of being upset with them then I wouldn't have any friends or family left. Being more present and aware of what others might be going through and simply listening to people is, in my opinion, a pivotal aspect in turning this world around and bringing people together rather than ignoring and separating everyone which leads to misunderstandings and chaos.
Be aware of feelings; do not ignore them because they are there for a reason. But do not allow them to control you, or make decisions for you.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Bitter Cold Build
They did need to recruit a group of people to do some work on a house outside, putting up plywood siding on the framework of the house. We took turns hammering, holding the ladder, and shifting into the other house when we couldn't feel our fingers and toes anymore. After a couple of hours doing the outdoor work, we had finished the task and there was only indoor work for us in the heated house. Perfect timing! It was just starting to get warm outside!
Sharon was the woman for whom one of the homes was being built. Habitat requires people who are accepted to work 350 "equity hours" in order to earn their new home. Sharon was at 500 and still going. She said she was even going to donate all of her extra hours to others who are working on their homes. What a lady!
Great day overall. I came home and zonked out in my bed in the middle of the afternoon. May or may not have missed an obligation because I slept through my alarm...whoops! I definitely needed it though. An awesome day of bonding with my brothers and other people from our community.
Monday, February 6, 2012
A Whole New World!
At the beginning of the semester, I talked with my roommate about going to see Aladdin on stage at the new Kaufmann Theater just on the south side of downtown KC. When I finally got a chance to look into it about a week and a half ago, I realized, oh! it's next weekend. Well, acting quickly, I thought it would be a perfect date night for Colleen and I. I was able to get in touch with some other friends who also thought it was a great opportunity for us all to go out and enjoy each other. Quadruple date +1 = a fantastic night, reliving childhood memories.
I got to meet a new friend who I will be going to Nicaragua with in under a month. Alex Boesch. Holy smokes. What a man! Can't wait to spend an entire week with this guy. We hit it right off, going shopping for groceries for the potluck dinner that we had before the show. That awkward, "I don't know what we're supposed to talk about because we just met and this is really weird" was not there. It was so cool! As we shopped, we also took the night up a notch, grabbing a bouquet of flowers for our beautiful dates.
After a post-show ice cream at Winstead's, we went back to one of the girl's house, Anna, and four of us had some great conversation. And then...Just Dance 3 on the Wii. Abandon any pride you might be carrying before you play this game. It was so great! We capped the evening off in the best way possible. The four of us prayed together, praising God for the incredible blessings of the night and lifted up personal intentions. God is GREAT!