Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why Worry?

I'm supposed to do a short presentation about my "Career Mission" and how to market myself in that career. Honestly, I'm stuck on this one. If you're like me (and arguably 99.99999% of university students) you haven't got the slightest clue what you want to do with the rest of your life.

It's definitely good to have direction in life. And I think that I am in a great spot. I'm not sitting around waiting for life to pass by me with an opportunity. I am actively searching out and learning about things that interest me. For example, I'm trying desperately to get an internship with a sports performance facility. Am I going to be in sports performance for the rest of my life (or anything of the like)? Maybe, maybe not. From a handful of very respectable people I have spoken with, I don't expect to get it all right immediately out of school. Through my experience, I have found that the only thing that I can do is make decisions based on the information I have. Pretty simple idea, right? Well, how often do we worry about things that are out of our control? I would contend...too often. Yes, it's important to look to the future and try to plan, but I know that I have had situations of indecisiveness in which I stayed on the fence between two options because I was dwelling so much on what I thought that outcomes were going to be.

So, in a nutshell I guess my lesson for the week would be to live in the present. Let tomorrow worry about itself.

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