Sunday, September 11, 2011

Toga, Hopkins, Karaoke, Chalk...and a new business?

This was my fourth and final Toga party of my college years at Rockhurst. It was so much fun! So many memories. I stayed out afterward and had some awesome conversations with great people over at my friends' house. While I don't regret staying up and talking with people until 6am, running a 5k starting at 10am wasn't a great way to treat my body. I did run it in 22:30 though so I feel pretty good about that. To the winners: 18 minutes, Wow! Way to go!

Last night I went out with a group of friends to the Westport Flea Market to do karaoke. It was awesome! It started out being just me and my friend Nate for the first 45 minutes, but then people started coming in waves and there was a solid showing of Rockhurst people. That was the first time I ever done karaoke won't be the last. What a night!

I came home to a pleasant surprise from my night out on the town. I had received a text message earlier in the evening that said, "Hope you had a great night...Be sure to use your front door tonight ya old geezer." What? I was obviously very confused. But then it all came together when Nate and I walked up the steps of our walkway and saw the sidewalk decked out with chalk. Jordan Siebenmorgen and Colleen Smyth asked Nate and I to go to the date party for their sorority. It was really cool because it brought back memories of my high school days because I asked a couple of girls to dances using chalk on their driveways. Pretty effective. 100% success rate, no big deal.And finally, in the past year I have baked up a loaf of my mom's banana bread for a few of my neighbors. They have been asking for more ever since. My neighbor Judy gave me $20 for a single loaf yesterday. Now, if something indeed does come from this, I certainly will not be charging $20/loaf; however, I wouldn't mind having a little side job income while satisfying people with the best banana bread that will ever touch your taste buds. Just ask them!

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