Sunday, August 22, 2010

Three Days, Two Concerts

This week I went to the first concert I've ever actually paid for. The two main bands were Switchfoot and Goo Goo Dolls. I know both of the bands well enough to have thought, "Yea, I will quite enjoy this experience." I had fun, but the next time I pay $45 to see a concert, I'm going to make sure it's a band that I really reallly want to see because the most entertaining part of the evening for me was watching two guys make complete fools out of themselves trying to impress a couple of girls who were sitting in our row. Always love a crash and burn! We all have them. It was really cool though, one of the girls that came in our group, Taylor Saalfeld, won a guitar from the opening band Green River Ordinance (not a big name, but she won a guitar!)

The second concert of the weekend was free through Rockhurst. The headliner was Phil Vassar. Now, I'm a country fan, but at first I was thinking, "Phil Vassar...okay, you guys got the right genre this year, but...Phil Vassar?" Did I ever eat my words on this one. Phil Vassar puts on a great show. I knew enough of his songs to be able to sing along with at least a handful of them, and he just emits energy to the crowd that gets everybody going. One of the openers was also particularly impressive. Twin brothers who just graduated high school are touring together, and their band is very good. This concert was, in my opinion, way better than the one I paid for. Way to go, Phil!

Overall, a great way to spend the first weekend after getting back into the swing of a new school year. Now...Sunday afternoon...I guess I should study : (

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