Ok, so Tuesday at work was the first time in a long time that I got really down because of a problem that I have had with my back since I was a sophomore in high school. I started working at 8 0'clock and by 8:20 my back was already making me very uncomfortable. I sat there just thinking about it for a couple of minutes and then forced myself to ignore the pain for the rest of the day - barring all of the popping and cracking throughout the day.
Most every day, I experience mild to medium discomfort in my back, mainly due to a degenerated disc between my Lumbosacral joint which is where the lumbar spine meets the sacrum. In addition to the degenerated disc, I also have a mild case of spondylolisthesis...
Jumping to a completely different topic, I had an incident occur on Tuesday. The reasons why it happened to me I do not know for sure. It honestly felt like God had taken over - my body, my emotions, everything. I lost control and I tried to take it back but there was something more powerful in control. He wasn't hurting me, even though I was crying and rolling on the floor uncontrollably. I am still in the process of trying to figure out all of the reasons that this happened, but one thing that I do know for certain as a result of that night is that I have been blessed with incredible friends. The two from the night are David Wallisch and David Skelton. Those two stayed with me even though it all started in the middle of the night at around 2am and we didn't get back to bed until around 6am. Either one - or both - could have just told me to get a hold of myself and gone to bed, but they helped me through without any hesitation whatsoever. It's cliche, but those are really the most true; great friends are hard to find. I am so lucky to have these two incredible men as my friends. I wish I could put into words how much I appreciate them.
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